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Sri Lanka says it will stop servicing its foreign debt
Emmanuel Macron did better than it seems in the first round of France’s election
Boris Johnson broke his own lockdown rules
Blanca Li is a choreographer unlike any other
The latest industry to suffer labour shortages: investment banking
An ode to Tokyo’s Nakagin Capsule Tower
House prices in the rich world are booming
Which countries offer gender-neutral passports?
The cruelty of the British state
The American property market is once again looking bubbly
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is under new management
What will it cost to rebuild Ukraine?
The bid to make Florida’s most famous city a tech hub
A Ukrainian village tries to make sense of Russian occupation
When China worries about food, the world pays
Hailed as a saviour, derided as a thief, Lula is back
How do you explain war to a six-year-old?
How to make hybrid work a success
Emmanuel Macron will battle Marine Le Pen for the French presidency
Can Silicon Valley still dominate global innovation?
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